Dear Colleagues,
The English Court of Appeal has today handed down its
decision in Glaister & Ors v Appelby-In-Westmorland Town Council [2009]
EWCA Civ 1325,
a negligence claim. The Court considers the criteria for finding a duty of care
in a manner which may or may not be of assistance to law students (and others).
The restrictive approach to “special relationship” cases is
followed, justifiably in this case. But there are some observations of
The claim was brought by Mr Glaister (and his wife and
daughter) following an accident at a fair, in which Mr Glaister tried to catch
the lead of a runaway horse. He was kicked in the head by the horse, and he
suffered serious injuries, being left permanently disabled and therefore losing
earning power. It was not known who owned the horse. At [3], Toulson LJ (with
whom Jacob LJ and the Master of the Rolls agreed) explains the claim
“It was originally alleged on
his behalf that the accident was caused by negligence on the part of the Town
Council, in particular, in allowing horses to be tethered in close vicinity to
other horses racing along the highway and failing to ensure that the tethered
horses were properly supervised, but that part of the claim was abandoned. The
action proceeded on an alternative claim that the Town Council negligently
failed to take proper care to see that public liability insurance was arranged
which would have covered the circumstances of the accident.”
The broader
duty argued for, that the Council owed a duty of supervision, was considered, but
no such duty was found:
- A defendant, D, is not
ordinarily liable to a claimant, C, for personal injury or physical damage
caused by the negligence of a third person, T, merely because D could have
foreseen and prevented it. Something more is required to place on D a duty
to protect C from the consequences of foreseeable negligence on the part
of T. The reasons for requiring more are partly to do with the nature of
our system of tort and the concept of blame which underlies it, i.e.
matters of legal policy, and partly pragmatic.
- The general policy of the law
does not extend to holding D legally to blame for injury to C caused by
the negligence of T on the ground that D could have prevented it. The
moral tenet that you shall love your neighbour as yourself, and thus
protect him from harm which you can foresee he may suffer from a third
person's fault, has not been converted into a legal principle. As a matter
of generality, to hold a person liable to a victim for injury for which
the defendant was not directly to blame, but was caused by the negligence
of a third person which the defendant could have foreseen and prevented,
would shift the basis of tort liability towards a system for the transfer
of losses resulting from injuries not merely caused by the default of the
defendant but which a defendant might have been able to prevent. The
practical consequences of such a policy shift would be potentially very
far reaching.
- I emphasise that this is no
more than a starting point, albeit an important one. There are many cases
where D may be liable to C for injury caused by the negligence of T, but
these are usually cases where either a particular relationship between the
claimant and defendant is such as to place the
defendant under a duty of care for the safety of the claimant or a
particular relationship between the defendant
and the third person is such
that the defendant should carry a responsibility to protect others against
the conduct of the third person. Examples of the first category are cases
where the defendant is an occupier of land and the claimant is a lawful
visitor, and cases whether the defendant is the employer of the claimant.
An occupier of land owes a general duty of care for the safety of lawful
visitors, and this will include responsibility to see that visitors are
reasonably safe from activities by a third person which the occupier
permits to be carried out on his land. Similarly an employer owes a
general duty for the safety of his employees, including safety from the
foreseeable behaviour of other employees. Cases where the relationship
between the defendant and third person is such as to give rise to
liability to a claimant for damage caused by a third person include cases
where the third person is an employee or agent of the defendant, who is
held responsible for his conduct, and cases where the defendant has a
quasi-parental responsibility for the acts of the third person, such as Home Office v Dorset Yacht Co Limited
[1970] AC 1004 (where prison officers
took young offenders on an outing and allegedly failed properly to
supervise them).
The key issue
was therefore: “Was D under a duty of care to ensure that appropriate
public liability insurance in respect of negligent acts or omissions by
participants in the Fair was in place?". Toulson LJ describes this as “novel
claim” (at [50]). Noting difficulties with the decision in Gwilliam [2002] EWCA Civ 1041, Toulson LJ
- These words needs to be
emphasised because there is sometimes a tendency (as the present case
shows) to pluck out the words "fair, just and reasonable" as if
they provide some comprehensive touchstone. In itself, the expression
means little more than that the court should only impose a duty of care if
it considers it right to do so. The various speeches in Customs & Excise Commissioners v Barclays
Bank plc [2006] UKHL 28, [2007] 1 AC 181 underline the point
that the "threefold test" provides no straightforward answer to
the question whether in a novel situation a party owes a duty of care
(Lord Bingham at 6, Lord Hoffmann at 35-36, Lord Rodger at 53, Lord Walker
at 71 and Lord Mance at 93). In considering whether there is sufficient
"proximity" to make it just and reasonable to impose a duty of
care, the courts examine carefully the nature of the relationship between
the parties and begin by considering whether it is reasonably analogous to
other cases in which such a duty has been recognised. The court is looking
to see whether there is "that special relationship of proximity which
is required to give rise to the duty of care" to protect the claimant
from economic loss (using the language of Lord Oliver in Caparo at 650F) – which is
another way of framing the question posed by Lord Devlin in Hedley Byrne "Is the
relationship between the parties in this case such that it can be brought
within a category giving rise to a special duty?".
- The present case does not
resemble any other category of case in which liability has been
established, so as to found an argument by analogy. None of the factors
exist which have lead to the imposition of a duty of care not to cause
economic loss in other cases, such as an assumption of responsibility by
the defendant (Hedley Byrne)
or the provision of a professional service to the claimant (Henderson v Merrett) or the provision
of advice about a transaction involving the claimant in the knowledge that
the claimant would be likely to rely on it (Smith v Bush [1990] 1 AC 831).
- For a duty of care to arise,
there needs to be something particular about the relationship between the
defendant and the claimant, in relation to some particular transaction or
activity likely to have economic consequences for the claimant, such that
the claimant can properly expect to be entitled to rely on the defendant
to safeguard him from economic harm likely to result from want of care on
the part of the defendant. This need is reflected by the usage of the
words "special duty" or "special relationship".
- There was no such relationship
in the present case between the Town Council and the many tens of
thousands of members of the general public, including the claimants, who
visited the fair.
- Looking at the matter as one of
general principle, if D had no duty to protect C against the physical consequences of an accident
caused by the negligence of T, I would not regard it as just and
reasonable to impose on D the more remote duty to protect C against the economic consequences of C being
unable to enforce a judgment against T.
Best wishes,
James Lee
Director of the LLB Programme
Birmingham Law
University of Birmingham
B15 2TT, United Kingdom
Tel: +44 (0)121 414 3629